Phase Zero is a print publication archiving the rapidly evolving culture and visual language of New York City via illustrations, poetry, photography, creative writing, or anything our contributors want to share. We accept and publish all submissions.

The views and opinions expressed in Phase Zero are not our (the editors) own views and opinions. The purpose of Phase Zero is to document the zeitgeist of the current art scene. Therefore all perspectives will be published (offensive/harmful content excluded, and yes, we do have the right to decline material that we deem despicable… so don’t even try).

You can find Phase Zero at
Antenne Books, LDN
Bungee Space, NYC
Desert Island, NYC
Human Relations, NYC
Joint Custody, DC
magCulture, LDN
New York Public Library, NYC
Partner & Sons, PA
Printed Matter, NYC
Thomas J. Watson Library at the
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Village Works, NYC

Interested in volunteering with us? All of our zines are created, printed, folded, and bound by us. We would love some help on our Production & Design Team! Send an email to for more information.

“Flyers, magazines and counterculture: How Phase Zero captures New York’s creative scene”, It’s Nice That

“magCulture Live NY24, report”, magCulture